USTRANSCOM Peak Season Call (23 May)

May 23, 2024

Linked here are notes and slides (password: USTRANSCOM) from today’s (23 May) peak season call.

Volume continues to be lower this year, however Chart 4 does show that for this week and next week, there is a potential for pickups to rise above last year’s levels in those weeks. When asked about lower volumes, TRANSCOM offered that budgets have remained fairly static in the DoD over the past couple of years. Also, rates have risen on the industry side, and from a high level, something’s got to give. A little more on that in my notes.

Update #5 to the Business Rules came out via advisory #24-0031E. It addresses the fuel surcharge table (it will now be shown on the TRANSCOM website instead of in the business rules) and also be aware that in IT24 Change 3 and Change 4, they changed some wording in Item 513 you should be aware of. Daycos has done a nice job identifying questions to those changes to TRANSCOM, but there are no clear answers yet.

And, as reported last week, a 24 hour outage for DPS is coming from 7-8 June, so be aware of that.