USTRANSCOM Peak Season Call (10 Aug)

August 10, 2023

Attached are notes and slides from the 10 Aug Peak Season call.  As usual, the slide Password is USTRANSCOM.  


There is very little to report from the call. It was a fast meeting, without much change to the normal slides, or the feeling of any issues brewing out there. Almost no one had follow up questions or inputs throughout the meeting.


I’ve received some correspondence from TSPs about a lack of shipments. I think you can see we are a couple of thousand shipments behind the 3-year average and last year’s peak season. That is having an impact.  But also, based on the slides and the lack of “no capacity” concerns and manual booking concerns, that there are much less blackouts and refusals happening. Therefore, we might surmise that the TSP getting the initial shipment offer is largely taking it, and so shipments aren’t working their way down the quartiles like it has happened in previous years.