Why Wait for Weights?

April 07, 2023

By Emily Kozubwski

Household Goods drivers are some of the hardest working men and women on our roadways. They put in long hours each day caring for our customers’ most important belongings and then long hours on the road getting those special belongings to their new home. All this while managing equipment safety, maintenance, local labor and tight deadlines for paperwork. Electronic logs are here, and digital inventories are quickly making their way into our driving fleets every day. Why not introduce digital weight tickets at the same time?

Five Key Benefits of a Digital Document Solution

  • Better security
  • Better for the environment
  • Space savings
  • Improved efficiency
  • Real-time data


Five Key Benefits of Digital Certified Weight Tickets (Including all of the above)

  • Driver satisfaction
  • Improved compensation turnaround to drivers
  • Reduction in days of service to days to bill revenue
  • Helps improve BVS 2.0 scores for DOD shipments
  • Digital reporting and access to all completed scale tickets


CAT Scale has created a free app called Weigh My Truck for fleet owners and professional drivers to revolutionize the transmission of weight tickets. The app can be used on Android and IOS devices. It provides locations of all available CAT scales for your drivers. The drivers don’t even have to get out of the truck to complete the transaction.

There are no additional charges for using Weigh My Truck. Pricing for U.S. locations is $13.00 for a first weigh and $3.50 for a reweigh. Pricing for Canadian locations is $23.00C for a first weigh and $6.00C for a reweigh.

We’ve heard from several customers that they are seeing a time savings of 20 minutes per weigh, which gets your drivers back on the road and making money that much quicker. Professional drivers and fleet owners can set up REF#/GBL# fields in their account and set up secondary email accounts for the immediate receipt of scale tickets to reduce the administrative burden.

In the FAQ section, there are answers to common questions for fleet owners and professional drivers. To further help professional drivers set up a personal account, share this link.