NTS New Rate Filing Schedule

May 09, 2022

By Caleb McCartney

Beginning last October there were some major changes made to the rate filing schedule for the NTS (Non Temporary Storage) program for the DOD. For as long as anyone could remember rates for NTS were able to be changed monthly if you filed your new rates with the SMO (Storage Management Office) before the 6th day of the previous month. So, if you wanted to change your rates beginning May 1st you would simply submit your rates by April 6th and wait for the approval or denial of your rates. However, beginning last October the SMO changed their TOS (Tender of Service) thus changing the way rate filing would occur. With the new TOS you must email the SMO at transcom.scott.tcj9.mbx.pp---nesmo@mail.mil with your rates no later than the 15th of the second month of the quarter. For example, if you would like to change your rates for the third quarter of 2022 which begins July 1st you must submit your new rates by May 15th in order to be approved. This deadline is very strict and the SMO is not allowing any exceptions.

While one would assume that most NTS agents would be aware of this new change there are two alarming statistics that would say otherwise. The first is that only 32% of all NTS agents have updated their rates since this new rate filing schedule was put in place in 2021. The second is that the 32% of NTS providers who have updated their rates in the past 8 months are managing over 70% of the handle-ins. This means if you have not updated your rates your chance of handling any new NTS is extremely low.

If you are interested in learning more about the NTS program or are just looking for something to help put you to sleep, access the most recent NTS Tender of Service.