The Rising Star Award
The Rising Star Award will recognize an IAM-Young Professional (IAM-YP) member who embodies the mission of the IAM Young Professional community:
The Mission, of IAM-YP is to provide global moving and mobility professionals under 40 with professional development, networking, and philanthropic opportunities to prepare the current membership to lead IAM and the industry in the future.
The individual receiving this honor may be selected for a wide range of achievements, but overall, will have distinguished themselves through a commitment to professional development, networking with the young professional community, or engaging in philanthropic activities impacting the global moving and mobility industry.
Please note submissions for 2024 are closed.
Selection Criteria
A selection committee of current IAM-YP members will be identified to determine the recipient of the Rising Star Award based on the nominations received. The award will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Brought together members of diverse communities with shared interests and has demonstrated remarkable results; also known as a facilitator or connector.
- Brought an innovative initiative, product, or service to the industry or young professional community in an original way.
- Shown a commitment to their colleagues and team members within their organization by impacting the company for the better.
- Made a significant positive impact on an IAM-YP's career through mentorship.
- The mentor's role is multifaceted and includes (but is not limited to) nurturing intellectual growth about the global moving and mobility industry, career development, professional guidance, and positive role modeling.
- Made significant contributions to IAM through board or committee work and involvement with IAM charitable activities.
- The Rising Star will be announced during the IAM 62st annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The IAM-YP Rising Star award recipient will be announced annually during the IAM Annual Meeting & Expo. The recipient will be featured in Portal magazine and will have the opportunity to pay it forward: The awardee will select an individual who meets the requirements to join the IAM-YP and extend a free YP membership to that individual.
Eligibility Requirements
- The nominee must be a current IAM-YP Member.
- The nominee must have been in the industry for a minimum of two years.
- Individuals may self-nominate.
- IAM members can submit nominations in good standing.
- All submissions must be received through the online application form.
Not Eligible
- Non-IAM members are not permitted to submit a nomination.
- Past winners of the Rising Star Award cannot be nominated again.
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