Voluntary Contribution to IAM
Over the past two years, the pandemic has had significant financial impacts on the International Association of Movers. The IAM Annual Meeting is one of the key revenue generators for the Association, and without being able to hold “normal” conferences in both 2020 (fully virtual) and 2021 (“Hybrid” meeting with reduced in-person footprint), IAM’s financial reserves have suffered greatly.
IAM’s staff and the Executive Committee have conducted discussions recently regarding strategies to help restore the financial reserves of the Association. A plan has been formulated which includes a number of initiatives that we believe can help reestablish the reserves needed to help support the continuation of the mission of IAM into the future. One key piece of that strategy, which was championed by IAM’s Immediate Past Chair, Tim Helenthal, during the last month’s Governing Members' meeting, was a call for a one-time financial assessment of the Governing Members.
There is also an option for all Members to make a voluntary contribution to IAM when you open up the IAM Payment Gateway to pay your invoice. IAM appreciates any additional money that can be donated to support our activities as we navigate these challenging times.
The IAM membership is the driving force for the future of the organization. If you believe that IAM is important to the success of your organization, I ask that you step forward and ensure that IAM will be there to meet the needs of the moving industry as it moves into the post pandemic environment.
We need your support.
Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this initiative.
Charles L. White, M.Ed., CAE
President, International Association of Movers