ISA Suppliers

ISA Preferred Vendors

For rate inquiries, please click on the email address specified for the company of your choice, and send the inquiry via the email format displayed.

ISA members must identify themselves as ISA Members when requesting rates or booking shipments.

USA Outbound Commercial HHG:

For U.S. Military or government HHG to and from the UK and North Europe or the Pacific Rim

+1 (704) 732-6063
Contact: Sheena Kiser

SEACO Shipping SA
Contact: Patrick Vercauteren
+32 (0)3 360 78 21

Contact: Mike Connolly
+1 (415) 927-6439


How to Apply for ISA Membership

  • Commercial Shippers: For potential members who ship Commercial Household Goods, please download and complete the Commercial Application as outlined.
  • Military & Government Shippers: For potential members who ship Military/Government Household Goods or a combination of Military/Government Household Goods and Commercial Household Goods, please download and complete the Military/Government Application form as outlined.


Membership Fees

In addition to the initial membership fee, annual dues payment is required at time of application for members who intend to ship Military or Government cargo as an ISA. Member. For IAM Members, annual dues are $400.00; for Non-IAM Members, annual dues are $750.00.

For new Members who intend to ship Commercial cargo only, the initial membership fee is required; no annual dues payment is required at this time, but may be deemed appropriate in the future.

In addition to ISA Military Contract Rates, if you apply for membership under the Military/Government Traffic Group application, you will also be eligible to use the commercial vendors. If you apply under the Commercial Traffic group, you will have access to the commercial vendor rates only.

Send your completed application, membership fee and annual dues to:

International Shippers Association
1600 Duke Street, Suite 440
Alexandria, VA 22314

If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact or call 703-317-9950.